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Tag: book review (page 24)
Book Review: Curvy Girls Can’t Date Quarterbacks | Kelsie Stelting
BOOK: Curvy Girls Can’t Date Quarterbacks AUTHOR: Kelsie Stelting @kelsiestelting Stars: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Published: July 22, 2020 I was approached to review this book by the author and I am so glad…
Book Review: Mayhem | Estelle Laure
📖 BOOK REVIEW⠀📚 BOOK: Mayhem AUTHOR: Estelle Laure @estellelaurebooks Publisher: Wednesday Books @wednesdaybooks Stars: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Published: July 14, 2020 This book wasn’t really what I expected. Actually, I am not sure…
Book Review: The Shadows | Alex North
📖 BOOK REVIEW⠀📚 BOOK: The Shadows AUTHOR: Alex North #alexnorthauthor Publisher: Celadon Books @celadonbooks Macmillan @macmillanusa Stars: ⭐⭐⭐ Published: July 7, 2020 Unpopular opinion – I don’t have any idea what…
Book Review: The Sun Down Motel | Simone St. James
📖 BOOK REVIEW⠀📚 BOOK: The Sun Down Motel AUTHOR: Simone St. James @simonestjames Publisher: Berkeley Publishing @berkleypub Penguin Random House @penguinrandomhouse Stars: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Published: February 18, 2020 I had seen a…
Book Review: Dear Emmie Blue | Lia Louis
📖 BOOK REVIEW⠀📚 BOOK: Dear Emmie Blue AUTHOR: Lia Louis @lialouisauthor Publisher: Atria Books @atriabooks Stars: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Published: July 14, 2020 I started reading this book and started struggling a lot.…
Book Review: The Heir Affair | Heather Cocks, Jessica Morgan
📖 BOOK REVIEW⠀📚 BOOK: The Heir Affair AUTHOR: Heather Cocks, Jessica Morgan @fuggirls Publisher: Grand Central Publishing @grandcentralpub Stars: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Published: July 7, 2020 Let’s be up front and say that…
Book Review: Size Zero | Abigail Mangin
📖 BOOK REVIEW⠀📚 BOOK: Size Zero AUTHOR: Abigail Mangin @AbigailMangin Publisher: Visage Books @visage_ny Stars: ⭐⭐⭐ Published: July 12, 2020 As I write this, I want it to be known that…
Book Review: Home Before Dark | Riley Sager
📖 BOOK REVIEW⠀📚 BOOK: Home Before Dark AUTHOR: Riley Sager @riley.sager Publisher: Dutton @duttonbooks Stars: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Published: June 30, 2020 Since I started reading Riley Sager earlier this year, this was…
Book Excerpt: The Last Wife by Karen Hamilton
THE LAST WIFE Author: Karen Hamilton ISBN: 9781525831744 Publication Date: July 7, 2020 Publisher: Graydon House Books Buy Links: Harlequin Barnes & Noble Amazon Books-A-Million Powell’s Social Links: Author Website Goodreads Book…