Book Review: Mistletoe and Mr. Right | Sarah Morgenthaler

Mistletoe and Mr. Right

The Stats


BOOK: Mistletoe and Mr. Right

AUTHOR: Sarah Morgenthaler

Publisher:Sourcebooks Casablanca @sourcebookscasa

Stars: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Published: October 6, 2020

The Review

The Title/Cover Draw:

  • Simplistic Christmasy vibes really drew me in. I didn’t know this was part of a trilogy! Must go back and read Tourist Attraction.

What I liked:

  • It’s a story about community, with memorable characters. But it’s also about love and heartache.

What I didn’t like:

  • Sometimes it lagged at times with the character’s internal monologue. The same thoughts were presented quite often.

What kept me reading:

  • Would they catch the Santa Moose and save the town?

The Characters:

  • Lana and Rick (the main characters) were so sweet. Where Lana was strong, Rick was tenderhearted. There was complexity in all the characters. I especially loved Zoey, Lana’s best friend. And let’s not forget the parade of festively dressed animals. 

The Ending:

  • A lot happens in the epilogue so don’t stop reading!

Reminds me of:

  • Renee Zellweger movie New in Town meets Christmas Inheritance (a good holiday movie on Netflix!)

Small Summary:

How the moose (almost) stole Christmas.

Lana Montgomery is everything the quirky small town of Moose Springs, Alaska can’t stand: a rich socialite with dreams of changing things for the better. But Lana’s determined to prove that she belongs…even if it means trading her stilettos for snow boots and tracking one of the town’s hairiest Christmas mysteries: the Santa Moose, an antlered Grinch hell-bent on destroying every bit of holiday cheer (and tinsel) it can sink its teeth into.

And really…how hard could it be?

The last few years have been tough on Rick Harding, and it’s not getting any easier now that his dream girl’s back in town. When Lana accidentally tranquilizes him instead of the Santa Moose, it’s clear she needs help, fast…and this could be his chance to finally catch her eye. It’s an all-out Christmas war, but if they can nab that darn moose before it destroys the town, Rick and Lana might finally find a place where they both belong…together. 


I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Received from Netgalley.

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