Book Review: Three Single Wives | Ginna LaManna

Three Single Wives

The Stats


BOOK: Three Single Wives

AUTHOR: Ginna LaManna


Publisher: Sourcebooks @Sourcebooks

Stars: ⭐⭐⭐

Published: September 1, 2020

The Review

The Title/Cover Draw: The cover definitely intrigued me, and I couldn’t figure out if it was the same woman or 3. Plus it’s purple so you know I am there for it.

What I liked: The combination of point of views and court interview transcripts.

What I didn’t like: The ending wasn’t totally shocking and slightly predictable. 

What kept me reading: Each chapter gave a little more information on who was murdered and what brought about the death. 

The Characters: Anne – Married to a cop and wanting a more free life. Eliza – promotes books and her book club event turns tragic. Penny – Student / nanny who is part of all the drama. The characters were interesting but i felt myself drawn more towards Anne’s struggles.

Consider if you like: Books where the timelines don’t always follow a linear path.

You can see my video review here:

Three Single Wives

Small Summary:

When Anne Wilkes, Eliza Tate, and Penny Sands arrive at book club bearing bottles of wine, none of them are plotting to kill. But when the subject of a philandering husband arises, revenge is in the air. By the end of the night, someone is dead.

Two women with rings on their fingers and one with stars in her eyes. All of them are hiding something. All of them are lying.

What really happened that night? Only the guilty knows. Did one woman take everything too far, or is the truth really more twisted than fiction?


I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Received from Netgalley.

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